Sunday, May 17, 2015

Digital Blog Post A: Chapters 1 & 2

As educators, one of our most fundamental goals is to to prepare students our for the outside world. In the past, it made sense to use more traditional styles of teaching. However, technology is becoming more and more important in today's world. How can we expect our students to flourish if we do not teach them 21st century skills?
I think this is a very important topic that educators need to reflect upon. Twenty-first century skills is the "knowledge and understandings that students will need to succeed in our highly technological, information-based society." We need to prepare our students for a world seeped in technology. These are skills that they will need to have.

There are so many interesting ways that technology can be applied in the classroom as well. For example, in Tech Tool 2.1, it talks about certain apps that can be utilized for educational purposes. There are apps from Science to Language Arts. The great thing about apps is that it is interactive; allowing previously disengaged students to become more involved in the class. It also allows students to continue learning at home when they are not in school.

Classrooms should look a little less like this:
And a little more like this:

Despite the fact the technology has been proven to enhance a students learning experience, a current research done by Walden University shows that only one teacher and five use technology frequently in class. This is in complete opposite to the statistic where most students claim that items, such as smartphones and mp3 players, are essential to classroom learning. It is known that students do best when they are confronted with an interactive and engaging environment. If we have a way to manage this; then why are we not taking advantage of it?


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

James. (Photographer). (2011, May 19). Rows of Desks [digital image]. Retreived from

N/A. (Photographer). (2000, January 1). Samsung to Take the Lead in Creating “Smart School Solution” [digital image]. Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. Great reflective blog post on three very relevant and important concepts. :) It is amazing how integral and ubiquitous technology has become in our lives. I do think that sometimes people put the blame on technology for some negative consequences, but it really is about the humans controlling (or not!) their use of technology...and the key is purposeful balance!

    In addition, you included the important ethical responsibility of properly adding your resources and adding visual enhancements. However, your images are copyrighted and for this class (and hopefully, all digital writing in your own classes and as a future teacher), I want you to use only public domain or Creative Commons licensed images with proper citation - check out the screencast link on 'how to' in Module page on Creating Blogger. :) For future blog posts, continue what you started here with the addition of appropriate and cited images as well as a web 2.0 digital tool that you create and embed (or link if embed code is not available).
